Outreach & Social Groups

  • St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies)

    Within the Parish of Southwest Coast there is four St. Vincent de Paul Society conferences.

    Conferences are engaged in various good works within the broader parish including things such as after school literacy programs, providing no cost holidays for families at the Vinnies holiday house, food hamper deliveries to families in need, assisting with crisis accommodation, the Vinnies winter appeal for the vulnerable and the homeless, assistance at the Vinnies shop with the sorting and on sale of donations and the supporting of the Young Vinnies and Minnie Vinnies conferences within our local parish schools, amongst many other charitable works.

    If you would like to be involved in the life changing work of the Vinnies conferences of the Southwest, please either contact your local conference president or the parish office for more information.

    East Warrnambool Conference President: Dedy Friebe warrnambooleast.conf.pres@svdp-vic.org.au

    Warrnambool Conference President: Chris Pye wbool.conf.pres@svdp-vic.org.au

    West Warrnambool Conference President: Frank Garvey warrnamboolwest.conf.pres@svdp-vic.org.au

    Koroit/Port Fairy Conference President: Carmel Madden koroit.conf.pres@svdp-vic.org.au

    Associate Members

    Our local Vinnies conferences are always on the lookout for associate members to assist in the services the conferences provide without the commitment of attending conference meetings.

    Associate membership is great for those who believe in the ethos of the society and would like to volunteer their time in some way without being committed to regular meetings.

  • Passionist Family Groups

    The Family Group Movement is supported by the Passionist Order and was founded in 1972, with the purpose of building Christian community through the development of extended families throughout Australian parishes and beyond.

    Passionist family groups provide an extended family for all who wish to belong within our parish whethe married, single, widowed, young, old or in between, everyone is welcome to join.

    Within Star of the Sea parish seven family groups exist within the Our Lady’s family group network and six currently within the St. Joseph’s network. Anyone who is interested in either joining an existing family group or starting your own within the parish is encouraged to contact the parish office.

  • Star of the Sea CRISP Team

    In 2023 ten members of the Star of the Sea Parish participated in the Community Refugee Integration and Settlement Pilot (CRISP). A refugee sponsorship program facilitated by Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia (CRSA). This pilot program links refugee families from across the world with community groups within Australia who support these families in their integration and settlement into their new life in Australia.

    Our parish community is currently supporting one Iraqi family through the program and is looking to expand the program to support more refugees in need. If you would like to be part of supporting this important initiative, please contact the parish office or the program coordinator Katherine Stewart- Email: katherinestewart99@gmail.com

  • Mothers who Pray for their Children Group

    This international movement original founded in Brazil provides a safe and supportive forum for mothers to gather and pray for their children.

    Currently within Star of the Sea Parish we have a group of mothers who meet regularly at Infant Jesus Church Koroit from 10:30am to 11:30am after mass to gather in prayer and support each other in their motherhood. For more information, please contact Mrs Marita Flanagan on 0402 431 053 or check out Mothers who Pray for their Children/International on Facebook.

  • Parish Men’s Breakfast

    The Star of the Sea Men’s Breakfast occurs on the first Saturday of each month from 7:30am to 9am at Our Lady Help of Christians Church Warrnambool East. This group was formed to create a supportive social environment for men of faith that isn’t purely sport or hobby related.

    Each gathering involves a cooked breakfast followed by some input from a member of the group or someone involved within the parish or the broader community. A $5 donation is suggested to offset food costs.

    For more information, please contact the parish office.

  • Parish Bible Study

    The Star of the Sea Parish Bible Study Group meets every Wednesday from 7:00pm to 8:00pm at St Joseph’s Meeting Room Warrnambool to reflect on the Sunday scriptures and explore biblical themes.

    Our program is only lightly structured to allow opportunity for group discussion as well as the opportunity for new members to join at any time. For more information on the group please contact the parish office.

  • Parish Adoration Group

    ‘If we paused for a moment to consider attentively what takes place in this Sacrament, I am sure that the thought of Christ’s love for us would transform the coldness of our hearts into a fire of love and gratitude.’

    -St Angela of Foligno

    The Star of the Sea Parish Adoration group meets each Monday at Our Lady Helps of Christians Church Warrnambool East from 10:00am to 11:00am to pray the rosary and spend some time in quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Spending time in quiet reflection is a great way to start the week. All are very welcome to join us in prayer.

  • Family Rosary Group

    Throughout Star of the Sea Parish each Monday night parishioners gather at a particular Church at 7pm to pray as a community for their families and the broader parish family.

    Each Church hosts the rosary for the month before it moves to the next. Please refer to bulletin to see where the rosary will be this month. This is a great oppurunity to meet other parishioners and to join Our Lady in prayer for the needs of our community.

Liturgical Ministries

  • Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

    Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist in the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass and to those who may be unable to join our community in worship due to sickness or immobility.

    Our Parish appreciates the important work of our Extraordinary Ministers and always welcome new volunteers to assist in this important ministry.

    For those may be interested in assisting either at Mass or in the visitation of the sick and homebound in the distribution of Holy Communion please contact the Parish Office.

  • Aged Care and Hospital Visitations

    An important part of our sustaining our connection with parishioners who are unable to join us for regular worship is our visitation roster to the aged care and health facilities within our parish boundaries.

    For extraordinary ministers who may be interested in assisting with regular visitations to the four aged care facilities and two hospitals within Warrnambool or the two aged care facilities and one hospital in Port Fairy, please contact the parish office.

  • Sacristy Teams

    Sacristans are an important part of parish liturgies, setting and packing up for daily masses, weddings, and funerals. They also maintain the linens and vestments for the liturgy which are washed weekly.

    Sacristans also ensure that readers, extraordinary ministers and commentators are available as rostered and that the supplies of altar breads, candles, incense are sufficient for mass. Please contact the parish office if are interested in generously preparing our community worship at any of our six churches.

  • Collectors

    Collectors support the Parish in the collection of donations for the material support of the parish and its priests. If you would like be placed on our collection rosters at any of our churches please contact the parish office.

  • Musicians

    Music supports the people of God in participating more fully in the liturgy and gives expression to the hope filled sentiments of a believing people.

    Most of our communities have a choir to present music and to lead the singing on a Saturday evening and Sunday. Organists, instrumentalists, and singers are desired for each of our masses and church communities.

    For those interested in being part of our parish music ministry please contact the parish office.

  • Welcomers

    Hospitality and Welcome are important part of our ethos as Christians.

    Star of the Sea Parish is a place of welcome for parishioners and visitors alike from a variety of cultures and background. Some have been here for many decades, others for a short moment, all need to feel welcomed and appreciated as they join us in our weekend worship.

    Anyone interested in assisting with welcoming parishioners and visitors and handing out bulletins at the begin of our weekend masses is invited to contact the parish office.

  • Lectors/Readers

    Star of the Sea Parish has many articulate volunteers proclaiming the Word of God at our weekday and Sunday liturgies. We are committed to supporting people with adequate training in this important ministry.

    Any parishioners interested in assisting in reading at our liturgies are encouraged to contact the parish office.

  • RCIA Team

    The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the catechetical process of preparation through which adults are initiated into the church through baptism. The RCIA team helps prospective Catholics through their guidance, instruction and Christian witness to give answer to the questions of meaning, identity and mission they may have.

    If you would like to be involved in this important ministry please contact the parish office.