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Help Welcome a New Refugee Family into Our Parish!

Over the next three months the Star of the Sea Parish CRISP Team will be fundraising to support the settlement of a new refugee family in the Warrnambool community in January 2025.

‘CRISP’, or the Community Refugee Integration Settlement Pilot: is a pilot program sponsored by the government engaging community groups to support and settle refugees in their communities and support them in their transition into Australian life.

Last year the parish welcomed the Saqat family from Qaraqosh in Northern Iraq, who had been displaced due to Christian persecution and had spent a number of years in a refugee camp in Lebanon.

Thankfully this wonderful family have joined and enriched our Warrnambool community and are now flourishing in their new home.

The parish group wants to provide the same opportunity for another family in 2025 and we need your help.

A group of ten parishioners are currently fundraising to support a refugee family in their first months here in Australia, before they are able to receive further government assistance.

$12,000 AUD is required to support the family in their initial costs, rent, school supplies, food, clothing, transportation etc.

You can donate by either following the link below or scanning the QR code,

Our CRISP group is always looking for more members to support refugees and their plight.

If you feel you may have something to contribute or would like to become a member please contact the group coordinator, Katherine Stewart-

Or see the Groups & Ministries Page on our website for more information

Thank you for your generous support of the program and please pray for its success.

25 August

Diocesan Formation in Leadership & Governance